
What are the pros and cons of dna sweeps


Discuss the age-crime curve with students so as to demonstrate career criminals/chronic offenders versus a criminal career. Discuss potential social and personal factors and theories that play into the age-crime curve (e.g., Moffitt's taxonomies, self-control, social learning, life-course/developmental).

What factors may influence both true/false positives and false negatives? (e.g., social, psychological, and biological backgrounds, education, etc)

What are the pros and cons of DNA sweeps? Have students consider the potential utility of DNA sweeps and determine if they would submit to a DNA swab.

Given the limited impact of the exclusionary rule on crime fighting and Miranda on conviction rates, what purposes do they serve?

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Business Law and Ethics: What are the pros and cons of dna sweeps
Reference No:- TGS03200562

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