You will customize an existing syllabus for an online course. Retrieve the syllabus you created in EDUC 6757, Planning for Learning. Imagine that you will be converting this course into an online course. What information in your syllabus from EDUC 6757 would need to be adjusted to suit the online environment?
Sections on which to focus:
The Learning Contract
Course Welcome
Course Information/Description
Faculty Information and Introduction
Course Goals/Objectives
Required Text(s) and other Learning Resources
Discussion Format, Sequence, and Etiquette
Participation-Definition of any terms that are not open to interpretation
Course Schedule and Due Dates
Assessment Process, Rubrics
Faculty and Student Roles
Faculty and Student Expectations-What students can expect from you, what you will expect from them
Time Commitment and Time Management
Resources and Processes specific to online learning such as Library Access
Technical Contacts and Requirements
Make a 2-page paper in which you analyze the differences between your face-to-face syllabus and your online syllabus. In your paper, provide a rationale for the strategies you used in your conversion to the online syllabus.