
What are the primary factors that have contributed


Critically assess the role of religion in an ongoing or recently ended conflict in the world today. Several examples include the Philippine drug war, the Syrian civil war, the Boko Haram insurgency, the insurgencies in Myanmar, the Libyan civil war, and the Yemeni civil war. Just make sure that it is a conflict that has not been dealt with extensively in this course. Once you have made your selection, please address the following:

i. What are the primary factors that have contributed to violence in this region and what role has religion played in fostering ongoing political conflict?

ii. Compare and contrast the presence of religion in your chosen conflict to one of the conflicts we covered in this course.

iii. What is the difference between religion and religious fundamentalism? Provide examples to help demonstrate the difference and which of the two does your chosen conflict embody more?

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Reference No:- TGS03349657

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