Required Resources
The following is a list of resources that will enable you to complete the activities in this module. Below each resource are a few guiding questions to consider as you read and review. You do not need to record or submit your answers to these questions.
Introduction to Epidemiology
What are the primary distinctions between case control and cohort studies?
What is a measure of association?
What are some of the ethical issues associated with experimental studies?
What is a placebo?
Textbook: Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice, Analytic Epidemiology (pp. 58-63)
What is analytic epidemiology and how does it compare to descriptive?
How are epidemiologic study designs broken down into groups?
Note: The page numbers for this reading correspond to the pages in the PDF and not to the page numbering in the original textbook. Full source information: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Principles of epidemiology in public health practice (3rd ed.). Retrieved from
Article: Observational Research Methods. Research Design II: Cohort, Cross Sectional, and Case Control Studies
Website: Epiville Module: Cohort Study
Review this Epiville module to learn about some well-known epidemiological study designs.
Website: Epiville Module: Case Control Study
Review this Epiville module to learn about some well-known epidemiological study designs.
Additional Support (Optional)
Article: Overview of Analytic Studies
What is the difference between a prospective and retrospective research study?
What are some of the weaknesses of a cohort study design?
What is the difference between probability and odds?
5-1 Journal: Study Designs
Go through the assigned resources, particularly the Epiville modules Cohort Study and Case Control Study, before tackling this week's journal on study designs.