
What are the primary diagnosis and secondary diagnosis


Ms. A is a 40-year-old female high school English teacher who presents to her primary care provider for evaluation of a cough. The cough has been present for the past 10 days. At the onset, the cough was accompanied by a fever up to 100.3 po. She has coughed up green sputum on occasion, but over the last 2 days, the sputum has become blood-tinged. She has noticed increased shortness of breath with exertion and had difficulty sleeping at night because of the cough. She has tried using over-the-counter medications without relief. She has not traveled anywhere recently. Several of her coworkers are also sick. She has ear pain. She denies sinus congestion or sore throat. She has had no palpitations, constipation, diarrhea, dysuria, or swelling in her extremities. She does admit to a headache, which has been intermittent for the last 5 days and appears to be relieved somewhat by acetaminophen. What is the differential diagnosis? and what are the primary diagnosis and secondary diagnosis?

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Reference No:- TGS03324071

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