1) What do you think are the principal determinants of ethical or unethical behavior in the world of global business? How are you defining the term "unethical"?
2) If you had to choose, would you agree with the concept of universalism or particularism as it relates to determining what constitutes ethical standards? That is, are ethical standards universal or situational? Explain.
3) British philosopher Alfred North Whitehead observed that people think in generalities but live in detail. What is the meaning of this observation for managers working across cultures?
4) What is the difference between a bribe, a performance bonus, and a sales commission?
5) The UN Global Compact and other conventions guarantee employees the right to unionize, freedom from coercion, and equal opportunity. Should such guide-lines take precedence over long-standing and deeply held cultural beliefs opposing such guarantees? Explain.
6) What are the pressures for and against companies taking the lead in being good environmental stewards in areas where they do business? Do firms have an ethical or moral responsibility to be good environmental stewards? Why, or why not?