
What are the precursors to relational dissolution and what

Below are questions I consider important to know for this class. This review should not be treated as all-inclusive for the material to be known for the exam (in other words, there could be questions on the exam not on this review). Nor are these questions a guarantee that this material will be on the exam (in other words, just because it is on this review it doesn't mean it will be on the exam). This review is simply a guide for important points in the class. Also, because we have not heard from Dr. Petronio yet I can't include questions from her lecture. However, there will be questions from her lecture.

The majority of questions come from lecture/videos/guest speakers. While most of the readings supplement lecture, there are a few concepts covered in readings that are not discussed in lectures. Approximately 15-20% of the questions will be strictly from the reading. The exam is also cumulative. Approximately 10-20% of the exam will be from lectures earlier in the quarter. Most of the exam will be from lectures that occurred after the second exam.

The exam questions will include definitional questions, application questions, and synthesizing questions (understanding connections between concepts across lectures). Many questions are very specific. To maximize your test score you should study all of the lecture notes and readings from the course.

The exam will be50 multiple choice/matching questions. There will not be an open-ended question.

Please remember to bring a scantron to class (UCD 2000) and a pencil.

Questions to study from lecture/videos

1. What are the phases in Duck's model? What are the thresholds?

2. What are the stages of Knapp's model?

3. What are the direct relationship termination strategies? What are the indirect relationship termination strategies?

4. According to research, what is the worst/best way to lose a romantic partner?

5. Why is divorce more prevalent now than it used to be?

6. What is the barrier model to relational dissolution?

7. What are the deceptive strategies in interpersonal deception theory?

8. What characteristics represent strategic intent in interpersonal deception theory?

9. What happens when people are ostracized?

10. What are the types of jealousy?

11. What is infidelity? How is it related to jealousy? What are the cues to infidelity?

12. What are the characteristics from family systems theory?

13. What are the functions of a family?

14. What are the structures of a family?

15. What are the theories of marital selection?

16. What theories explain the impact divorce has on children?

17. What are the different types of turbulence?

18. What is private disclosure?

19. What are the different types of owners of private information?

20. What are core criteria?

21. What are catalyst criteria?

22. What are some of the ramifications to turbulence?

23. What are the different maxims in CPM theory?

24. What is the ultimate secret for marriage success?

25. What are the steps to fighting fair?

26. What are the axioms of communication?

27. What are the attachment styles?

28. Why do older adults have less friends?

29. What does research say about CMC and intimate relationships?

30. What does research say about relationship trajectories for romantic couples?

Questions from readings

1. What are the precursors to relational dissolution?

2. What are the social psychological models of relational dissolution?

3. What are the classifications of marriages?

4. What are the ideological orientations to marriage?

5. What are the relational definitions to marriage?

6. What is interactivity? What is truth bias?

7. What is mediated lurking?

8. What is surveillance?

9. What is vague-booking?

10. How are privacy boundaries jointly coordinated/managed?

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Other Subject: What are the precursors to relational dissolution and what
Reference No:- TGS02410502

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