
What are the powers of the bill of rights

Discuss the below:

Question 1: Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights was the title given to the first ten Amendments to our US Constitution. They serve to guarantee numerous personal freedoms, limit the federal government's power, and reserve powers to the states. Through this assignment, you will have the opportunity to learn more about these amendments and discuss your personal opinion on their creation and overall application throughout the U.S.

What are the powers of the Bill of Rights?

Would you add or change anything in the Bill of Rights?

Track the Constitution's history to support your discussion points.

What amendment to the Constitution would you propose and why?

Question 2: Unconstitutional Laws

The Supreme Court has the authority to declare federal laws unconstitutional. Through this assignment, you will have the opportunity to review five federal laws and determine how the Supreme Court would rule if presented with a constitutional challenge.

Look at the following federal laws:

The Federal Mining Safety Act that defines safety standards for employees of privately owned mines

The Child Labor Tax that imposes a 10 percent federal excise tax on all agricultural goods produced by children under the age of 14 years

The High Definition Television (HDTV) Investment Credits Act that provides grants of up to $million to private electronics companies to invest in research and development for HDTV

The State Park Lands Act that requires states to charge user fees for the public use of state parks

The Nuclear Waste Disposal Act that prohibits disposal of nuclear wastes on private or state-owned property except pursuant to rigid federal safety standards

Which laws do you think the Supreme Court is likely to declare unconstitutional? Why?

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Other Subject: What are the powers of the bill of rights
Reference No:- TGS01971032

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