
What are the possible medical diagnoses

Assignment Task: Jim is 70 years old and still working as a university professor. A few years ago, he started to notice an uncontrollable hand and arm shaking after taking a new antihypertensive drug called Serpalan®. His previous health care provider put him on another regimen to control his hypertension, but he continued to have subtle movement problems. While his hands and arms no longer shook, he did notice an odd twitch in his shoulder, which eventually progressed to a noticeable tremor in his right arm and leg.

Jim's previous health care provider diagnosed this as being due to the stress of his job and advised that he take a vacation. Luckily, it was the end of spring term and Jim had no commitments for the summer.  Jim took a long, relaxing summer off, but after returning to work both he and his students noticed that his handwriting had become nearly illegible. He also began having problems cutting his food at dinner and getting his morning cup of coffee to his lips was difficult.  He really feels his signs and symptoms are due to stress and he tells you that "shakiness has always run in my family."

On exam you find a normal gait, mild voice tremor and mild bradykinesia.  You note a mild intention tremor of the arm R>L.  There is some rigidity of his lower limbs.  He appears to have no difficulty getting up out of a chair. 

No allergies; meds include Lisinopril 5 mg daily; no surgeries; no other pertinent medical history; no alcohol, tobacco or illicit drug use. 

VS today-98-80-16 140/82  72 inches tall and 220 pounds

1. What are the possible Medical Diagnoses?

2. What are the differential diagnosis?

3. What are Diagnostics/Labs that need to be done?

4. What you be the appropriate Treatment for this patient?

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Biology: What are the possible medical diagnoses
Reference No:- TGS03223501

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