
What are the phases of od programs


Document is to be used to identify your organization, describe your organization in detail (often referred to as an organizational scan-see below), and create an initial/proposed timeline to assess and create a change plan for your organization. This document should be in a memo and technical report formatting, using section headings and have page numbers, etc. Length needs to be three pages, single-spaced, minimum. Address the document to me, or both the principal and me.

First-off: make sure you have contacted a principal and have received some sort of positive verification that you can use this organization as your "case study."


Using the "Phases of OD Programs," in the French & Bell text, describe your organization in detail to me. Make sure to include products, services, organizational structure, jurisdiction/catchment area (especially for public agencies and school districts), principals (CEO, director, superintendent, etc.), legal charter (501.c3, subS, LLC, etc.), mission, vision statements, governing bodies, general annual budget estimates, organizational history/news, etc. Most of this will be available on-line or through your initial contact with the principal of the organization. If you are studying a department of a larger organization, please focus much more on the department, vs. the larger organization.

Then create a proposed timeline for securing and performing the first four of the seven phases of OD programs: entry, contracting, diagnosis, and feedback, using a maximum of one page, of the three page minimum.

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Other Management: What are the phases of od programs
Reference No:- TGS01981249

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