
What are the organizations current strengths how can you

Assignment: SWOT Analysis

For this assignment, you will complete a SWOT analysis to better facilitate achievement of goals and understand what might impede the goals and objectives of the organization.

Complete the following:

1. Examine both internal and external forces that impact the health care industry and nursing.

2. Examine any internal forces that have an impact on the workplace and affect employees or other stakeholders (administration, board of directors, and other internal departments).

3. Address the culture of the organization through analysis of policies, procedures, and expectations of the organization and health care consumer.

4. Examine any external forces that have an impact on the organization. This might include market place competition, community need, government regulations, policies, and political issues.

Once you have identified the internal and external forces, analyze opportunities for change within the organization. Questions to consider (but are not limited to) include:

5. What are the organization's current strengths?

6. How can you leverage your organization's strengths to help solve the identified organizational problem?

7. What could be done that is not currently being done?

8. What extra support might be needed to help solve the identified organizational problem?

Finally, analyze the threats that continue to impede the achievement of the organizational goals. Questions to consider (but are not limited to) include:

9. Are there current policies, procedures, or expectations that currently prevent the identified organizational goals from being met?

10. Are there current financial concerns that impact the identified issue?

11. What other factors have an impact on the ability to create change?

The paper should be 2-3 pages in length and follow APA style and formatting. Support your position with references and citations.

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Dissertation: What are the organizations current strengths how can you
Reference No:- TGS02567330

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