What are the objectives of the marketing strategy

Assignment: Case Analysis Guidelines



• Introduce the company and provide the audience with some background information about the company.

Situation Analysis

• The Environment

1. What is the state of the economy?
2. What are the current trends in cultural and social values?
3. What are the current political values and trends?
4. Is there any pending federal, state, or local legislation that could alter the environment?
5. Any threats to the environment, and therefore the firm?

• The Industry

1. What industry is the firm in?What are the chief economic and business characteristics of the industry?

2. Which organizations are major competitors in the industry?What strategies have competitors been using and have they worked?What are the relative strengths and weaknesses of the competitors?

3. Is there a threat of new competitors?Are there any substitute products in the industry?

4. What forces are driving change in the industry?

5. Is the industry attractive? What factors make it attractive? Unattractive?

• The Firm

1. What are the objectives of the firm?
2. What are the strengths of the firm?
3. What is the firm's financial condition?
4. What are the constraints and weaknesses of the firm (i.e. financial condition, organizational conflict)?
5. What is the management philosophy?
6. What does the organizational structure tell you about how decisions are made?

• The Marketing Strategy

1. What are the objectives of the marketing strategy?
2. What marketing concepts are at issue in the current strategy?
3. To what target market is the strategy directed?
4. What competitive advantage does the marketing strategy offer?
5. What good and/or service does the organizationoffer? What consumer need does the product solve?
6. What promotional mix, channels of distribution, and pricing strategies are being used by the organization?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Marketing Management: What are the objectives of the marketing strategy
Reference No:- TGS02104340

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