
What are the negative aspects of your job


A. Did getting this job require a degree, certification, or license?
B. What are the educational requirements of this job?
C. What did you do to get to where you are today? What specific colleges/institutions? Internships?
D. What are your day-to-day activities and responsibilities?
E. What are all the different types of settings where you can work?
F. What would you do differently about your career if you could go back in time?
G. If you had the opportunity to start over, would you choose the same profession? Why or why not?
H. What are the positive aspects of your job? Favorite part of your job?
I. What are the negative aspects of your job? Least favorite part of your job?
J. What are the opportunities to grow and move up in your field?
K. Where do you see yourself in the future?

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Reference No:- TGS03259914

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