
What are the needs of the priority population


Create a Health Promotion Program against Obesity in Kuwait


Obesity in Kuwait needs to be addressed

• Why is it a health issue in Kuwait? (You will need to search the literature, and use data and numbers to support your argument)

o How prevalent is the issue?
o Why does it need to be addressed?

• What are the possible consequences this health issue?

o How does this affect the community (Kuwait)? (Both short term and long term)

Create a health promotion program to address obesity: (cover the following points:)

1) How are you planning on gathering data in order to plan your program?

2) After gathering the data, what are the risk factors linked to the health issue?

3) Identify the health promotion program focus.

4) Who is your target audience/priority population? (Children, adolescents, young adults, adults etc.)

a) What are the needs of the priority population

b) Has this issue been addressed in the past in this community?

o If yes, provide some information about existing or past efforts.
o If no, explain why you think it has not been addressed?

5) Setting goals and objectives:

a) What is the goal of your health promotion program?

b) What are the objectives of your health promotion program? (Use SMART objectives)

6) Creating the health promotion program:

a) What strategy(ies) you will you use from the community organizing methods to implement your program? (Planning policy, community capacity development, or social advocacy).

o Explain why you chose a single or multiple strategies.

b) Which stakeholders will you involve in the planning and implementation of the program? Why?

c) What are the resources available in the community that you will be using to implement your program?

d) Are there any best practices, best experiences, or best processes you will be adapting when implementing your program?

7) Implementation:

a) Will you be running the pilot test? Why or why not?

o If yes, who will you be implementing the pilot test on and for how long?

b) When will the actual program take place, and what is its duration? Explain why?

c) Where will the program take place? Why? (location)

8) Evaluation:

a) Which tools will you use to evaluate your program? Why? (surveys, interviews etc.)

o When will you be administering these to measure evaluation? (ex. pre/post)

b) Which stake holders will you involve in the evaluation process?

c) What do you plan to do with the evaluation measures you gathered and analyzed?


1) Why is your program important in the community?

2) How is your campaign different than other campaigns that have raised awareness on the same health issue?

3) If your program is successful, how do you plan on expanding the program?

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Other Subject: What are the needs of the priority population
Reference No:- TGS03240211

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