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In this section, the group should identify a solution that they believe would be primarily in the interests of the business community. For example, in the area of health care, the business community may prefer a policy that permits more flexibility in determining levels of participation. Try to find an example of a private sector solution and briefly describe the kinds of policy preferences this would result in. And answer the question - why does government oppose this?
1. What are the National Debt, Debt Ceiling and Budget Deficit. 4/13/2017. US News (There are several sources to link to from this cite).
2. Budget Deficit: How It Affects the Economy. Why the government Can Run a Budget Deficit and You Can't. Kimberly Amadeo. up.12/22/2016
3. U.S.Government Spending .com
4. Just National Debt. A resource for independent thinkers.
5. "Understanding the National Deficit and Debt: A Primer";
6. GAO - Understanding the National Debt:
7. National Debt or Federal Deficit? What's the Difference?