
What are the most important things you learned or outcomes

Mentor Assignment -research

1) Read a current watch a Ted talk on business or mentoring and provide a synopsis 1 page.

2) Research the biographies of a well-known mentor-protégé pair in your industry (my industry business management!) and provide a synopsis. Consider how you might make a connection to them and/or what you learned from this research. should be 1-2 pages in length.

3) Mentor Assignment Reflection Questions (Please include on the last page of your final report)

a) Do you think you will maintain contact with your mentor? Why or why not?

b) What was most positive about this assignment?

c) What was most challenging? (you can say something like In the beginning I had a hard time finding a mentor and reaching out to one but then I went and looked for more than one connection and my mom referred me to a University professor and she gave me her email to reach out to her and ask for questions to guide me through pursuing my career choice).

d) What are the most important things you learned or outcomes gained from this assignment? (You can say something with gaining insight and more information from my mentor to become a management professor in the near future).

e) Is there anything I did not ask you about this mentoring assignment, but would be helpful for me to know (i.e. recommended changes)?

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Business Management: What are the most important things you learned or outcomes
Reference No:- TGS01701205

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