Q-1. The resistance to pulling apart or stretching produced by two forces pulling in opposite directions along the same straight lines is defined by what term?
Q-2. The resistance to crushing produced by two forces pushing toward each other in the same straight line is defined by what term?
Q-3. Define the term shear as it relates to an aircraft structure.
Q-4. Define the term bending.
Q-5. Define the term torsion.
Q-6. Materials currently used in aircraft construction are classified as what type of materials?
Q-7. What are the most common metallic materials used in aircraft construction?
Q-8. What are the nonmetallic materials used in aircraft construction?
Q-9. In fuselage construction, what are the three classes of monocoque design?
Q-10. Points on the fuselage are located by what method?
Q-11. In an aircraft, what are the main structural members of the wing?
Q-12. What does the term "wet wing" mean?
Q-13. The stabilizing surfaces of an aircraft consist of what two airfoils?
Q-14. What are the three groups of flight control surfaces?
Q-15. What is the purpose of speed brakes on an aircraft?
Q-16. Most present-day Navy aircraft are equipped with what type of landing gear?
Q-17. What is the main advantage of rotary-wing aircraft over fixed-wing aircraft?
Q-18. What are the three types of landing gear used on helicopters?
Q-19. The directional control and antitorque action of the helicopter is provided by what group?
Q-20. What are two disadvantages of a hydraulic system?
Q-21. On a basic hydraulic system, what is the purpose of the selector valve?
Q-22. On a basic hydraulic system, what is the purpose of the actuating unit?
Q-23. Define hydraulic contamination.
Q-24. What are the two types of pneumatic systems currently used in naval aircraft?