
What are the monomers that make up carbohydrates

Carbohydrates What are the monomers that make up carbohydrates? Monosaccharides What are the functions of carbohydrates? Energy storage and formation of structures What are examples of monosaccharides? Glucose, ribose, fructose, galactose What is an isomer? Isomers are molecules with the same formula but different structures. What are examples of disaccharides? Maltose, sucrose, lactose What are examples of polysaccharides? Glycogen, starch, cellulose How are they shaped? Straight or branched Nucleic Acids What are the components of a nucleotide? Phosphate group, pentose sugar, nitrogen-containing base What are the five N-containing bases? A, T, C, G, U What are the functions of nuc leic acids? Encode hereditary information, metabolic functions What are some differences between DNA and RNA? How are they related (hint: flow of genetic information)? DNA is double stranded, RNA is single stranded, info flows from

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Biology: What are the monomers that make up carbohydrates
Reference No:- TGS0137563

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