
What are the modern-day implications of the 13th amendment

Federal Government Assignment

Be sure to allow yourself time before the deadline. It is not uncommon for students to experience technical difficulties when they wait until the last minute to submit their assignments. All submission must be in MS Word attachment.

? 1500 Words (about a 5 pages)
? Use one inch margins and 12 type.
? Double Space
? All citations will be MLA Parenthetical citation. You must furnish parenthetical referencing in the body of the essay (author, date)
? You must have a clearly labeled Sources Cited (call it Sources Cited) list at the conclusion or attached to the essay. Use MLA
? Be sure you have someone in the writing center review your essay. This is a college level course. You must check for all spelling and grammar errors. I will deduct points for sloppy work.

Prepare a written essay on your topic. Essays should 1500 words (approx. 5 pages) of text plus a sources cited page.

Your essay should inform the reader about the 13th Amendment in which you exhibit knowledge about the issues surrounding the topic and synthesizing the information learned. Your essay should analyze the topic, comparing and contrasting relevant pros and cons. You should then summarize your findings, with support for conclusions.

The sources cited list (minimum two sources) must have the full citation with author, date, and should include the weblink if appropriate. The two sources should not include: Wikipedia or any other encyclopedia type information; Jr. High type sites such as Whitebouse.gov; non-credentialed blogs; textbook; or instructor notes. At least one of the two required sources should be researched written material.

No use of Second Person -no use of "you." Write in third person to convey information /research/data. First person could be used to convey critical analysis. There should be a clear transition between the research material (data presentation) and critical analysis (personal analysis).

13th Amendment Final Essay Assignment

Answer the questions below in your essay :

1. Provide a historical perspective on the 13th Amendment.

a. Why do we have it?
b. What was happening in America when we included it as an amendment?

2. How was the 13th Amendment ratified?

a. Was it through Congressional or State ratification?

3. When was the 13th Amendment ratified?

4. Why was it ratified?

a. Why did America feel it necessary to ratify the amendment at that time in history?

5. What are the modern-day implications of the 13th Amendment? Specifically address the portion of the amendment that states "except as punishment for a crime."

6. Should any portion of the 13th amendment be repealed? Why or why not?

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Dissertation: What are the modern-day implications of the 13th amendment
Reference No:- TGS02531013

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