What are the marketing strategies


Activity 1: Team Discussion on Observations (Individual/Team)

Each team member must post their observations on the two companies they chose for Task . Discuss the observations each member posts asking open-ended and challenging questions about the observation.

Some questions might include:

Tell me more about that ...

Explain further what the strategies were like

Give me some examples

Tell me how effective you think the strategy you observed was

What evidence was there that the strategy was working

Activity 2: Case Studies on Nike and Samsung (Team)

Discuss the marketing strategies used by Nike and Samsung. Analyze their marketing strategies.

Focus on:

What does each company do? What products are they marketing and advertising?

What are their marketing strategies?

What mistakes or failures helped them succeed?

How do they use technology?

What are the effects?

Activity 3: Marketing Strategies (Team/Individual)

As a team, you now must decide on a set of strategies for marketing your product or services. This is a preliminary list but it should reflect your product or service.

Each team member must reflect on the market segmentation and target market, and brainstorm strategies that might work for the chosen product or service.

Then, each team member must write up submit their own strategies in a 1-2 page report

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Marketing Management: What are the marketing strategies
Reference No:- TGS02050294

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