
What are the major problems of the global apparel retailer


I. A well-known global apparel retailer found itself dealing with the growing pains that often accompany rapid success. Business was booming. The company already had about 1100 stores across the United States and was planning to open 50-60 more stores domestically and 15 internationally each year. However, this major retailer had a major problem on its hands that had nothing to do with the production of fine apparel. The company found itself struggling to manage an aspect of its business outside of its core competency - namely, the distribution of store fixtures for new store openings and renovations. To accomplish this task, the retailer had been depending on a combination of internal resources and outsourcing. However, this approach clearly was not working. Neither the company itself nor its outside partner had the technology or the processes in place to provide the necessary visibility into the supply chain. The inefficiency that resulted led to late shipments, missing items, no accountability and inflated costs.

a. What are the major problems of the Global Apparel Retailer?
b. How a logistics company 'XYZ' that had experience and expertise in the retail sector can solve the problem?

II. If salespeople are pulling forward orders to meet targets by the end of quarter, and financial teams are postponing shipment dates to show consistent order levels, what is the impact over time on customer satisfaction?

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Supply Chain Management: What are the major problems of the global apparel retailer
Reference No:- TGS03345696

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