
What are the major organs of the lymphatic system why are

Assignment - Immunology and ELISA

Part I: Read the "Immune System" PDF from WebCT, pages 1-27, review your lecture notes, and answer the following questions:

1. What are the body's first and second lines of defense against an invading microorganism?

2. List 3 examples of what antigens can be.

3. What are the major organs of the lymphatic system?

4. Why does the lymphatic system closely parallel the arteries and veins?

5. What 2 major cell types are involved in the body's third line of defense?

6. Why are the cells involved in the third line of defense considered "specific?"

7. What are cytokines and why are they so important?

8. Decreased complement activity is a hallmark of which diseases?

9. Explain my journey into and through a host if I were an invading microorganism. Describe the difficulties I encounter when trying to set up residence in the host.

Part II: Go through the tutorial for the ELISA assy.

Briefly describe how a patient would be tested for HIV using an ELISA assay.

Part III: The next activity involves discovery of a new method to detect Non-A, Non-B Hepatitis (Hep-C) in patients. First, the virus was studied carefully and a gene encoding a viral surface protein (polypeptide) was discovered. Next, the researchers used yeast to insert this viral gene in to the genome and then told the yeast to start making this specific viral polypeptide. Go to the following website and read the original research paper.

What did the researchers do with all of the viral polypeptide (protein) that was made in yeast?

Run the virtual experiment testing the effectiveness of the new assay for detection of NANBH (Non-A, Non-B Hepatitis).

What is another name for this detection system?

Why do you think these types of assays are so sensitive?

Why is Hep C such a problem today for Health Care Workers?

Are they the only ones that should be concerned about the transmission of HepC.

Describe three mechanisms for the accidental transmission of Hep C.

Is it considered a latent disease?

What is the general treatment?

Part IV: Describe recombinant technology:

What is the principle macromolecule used?

Which microorganisms are commonly used?

How are the products manufactured in large amounts?

Name a new product that has had significant impact either on medicine or agriculture.

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Biology: What are the major organs of the lymphatic system why are
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