
What are the major groups of leukemias


1. List the several blood groups of humans. Chimpanzees have exactly the same blood groups...why is this so? Could you hypothetically get a blood transfusion from a chimpanzee? Explain your answer.

2. What are agglutinogens? Explain their functions.

3. Tell me everything you know about ABO blood groups and Rh factors (as far as classification is concerned as well as transfusions are concerned). What is their percent distribution (e.g., percent of A to B to AB to O) in the United States (online research?). What is your blood type? Explain why you should know this.

4. Discuss the motility of leukocytes. Why is this motility important in diapedesis? Make a list the functions of eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils, monocycles, and lymphocytes.

5. What are the major groups of leukemias and why are they so dangerous? How do they arise? Do they always kill a person? If you find nucleated white blood cells in a blood smear, is that a good or bad sign? Look up current treatments for acute myeloid leukemia (what is the prognosis of persons diagnosed with this type of leukemia?).

6. Where do the first hemopoietic stem cells develop in an embryo? Is the hemoglobin from an embryo/fetus the same as that from an adult? Explain why this is so (looks like more online research here).

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