1] What are the major causes of liver injury in the USA. Be specific: not just chemical, virus etc?
2] What are the major types of liver injury; give a sentence describing each?
3] What are the major outcomes after liver injury; be specific but brief?
4] List the 5 viral hepatitis viruses.
5] How are each transmitted and be prevented?
6] What are the major complications of each?
7] What are the medications used to treat HCV? Use at least one other reference.
8] What is alcoholic liver disease?
9] What is the progression of this disease?
10] What is cirrhosis of the liver?
11] List the consequences of cirrhosis?
12] What is jaundice?
13] List causes of jaundice?
14] List factors that predispose the development of gallstones.
15] What are the differences between acute and chronic pancreatitis?
16] How would you explain type 1 vs. 2 diabetes and their treatments to an adult family member. Stress causes and prevention strategies as well as treatments.
17] List and briefly describe the major complications of type 1 and 2 diabetes?
18] Define these terms briefly: hyperosomolor nonketotic hyperglycemic coma, ketoacidosis, ketone bodies, insulin shock and hypoglycemia.