
What are the major advantages of this franchise what are



Description: This assignment has four principle elements: (1) Pre-Investigation Perceptions, (2) Enterprise Analysis, (3) Post-Investigation Summary, and (4) Summary Statement. It is expected that numerous visits to the business will be necessary.

It is recommended that you make an introduction with the establishment owner/manager, explain the project under study, and ask permission to unobtrusively study observable aspects of the business. While not a course requirement, you may make a modest purchase from the establishment so as to become a patron. You may determine the owner/manager's preferred time for you to make your observations (non-peak times), and in all instances, conduct yourself professionally.

In order to apply textual principles and analysis to real world application, you will:

1. Choose a nearby/local franchise establishment with which you are familiar.
2. Perform a detailed analysis, using the Appendix from Chapter 9 (pp. 259-263) as a reporting template.
3. Address the 4-part Case Study analysis below.
4. Enjoythe freedom of structuring the report as desired.

In addition, you are required to post your project as an attachment for your peers to view by the end of Module/Week 7 in a discussion board forum. Thoroughly review two students' franchise projects and respond to their work in Blackboard.

(1) Pre-Investigation Perceptions

• What are your perceptions of the business, prior to analysis?

o What is the primary business?
o Is there another, 2nd area of the business?
o Is there a "brand" involved?
o How long has it operated?
o Are there other (brand) locations nearby?
o Who do they compete with?

• Initial observations?

o Is it an expensive appearing establishment?
o What do you thinkis:

- #1 Cost item
- #2 Cost item

o What do you think is:

- Daily sales
- Annual revenues
- Is the company profitable?

• Is there anything about this business that should be changed?
• Summarize your observation of this establishment, prior to analysis.

(2) Site Approval and Enterprise Analysis

Additional Franchise Information:

• Principle goods and services (describe)
• Approximate annual revenues
• Length of time in operation
• Owner/Operator suggestions to prospective franchise:

o Ways to raise initial capital investment?
o Personal commitment to business operation (hours per week)
o Franchise selection and location choices
o Breakeven point (in time)
o "If I had it to do over" recommendations

• Any co-branding

(3) Post Investigation Summary

• How closely did your presuppositions about this business match reality, based upon your investigation?

• Identify significant differences.

• What are the major advantages of this franchise?

• What are the major disadvantages of this franchise?

• What current challenges does the owner/manager face

o In day-to-day business operation
o Longer term challenges

• Is this franchise a desirable franchise, based upon your investigation?Why or why not?
• What recommendations would you make to the owner/manager?
• What are the top 3 challenges to operating this business?

(4) Summary Statement.

Attachment:- FRANCHISE-PROJECT.pdf

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Corporate Finance: What are the major advantages of this franchise what are
Reference No:- TGS02467107

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