
What are the main themes of washingtons farewell address

History Essay

Read the brief paragraph before each set of documents to understand what you need to learn from the readings. Write on one question from chapter 3 or one question from chapter 4. Type in the question you are answering above the essay. Be sure to clearly state your position in the first paragraph and then support it with facts. Cite the sources within your essay and the length of the essay must a be minimum of one full page single-spaced.


The British Parliament passed several acts such as the Stamp Act 1765, the Townshend 1767 and Tea Act of 1773 on the American colonies to generate revenue to help pay for the debt incurred by England in the French Indian War. As you read the documents note the time frame and consider the colonial reaction to each act.

"The Sugar Act 1764"Link (Links to an external site.)
"The Quartering Act 1765"Link (Links to an external site.)
"The Stamp Act 1765"Link (Links to an external site.)
"Benjamin Franklin and the Stamp Act Crisis 1766 (Links to an external site.)"
"The Declaratory Act 1766"Link (Links to an external site.)
"The Townshend Act 1767" Link (Links to an external site.)
"Bostonians Protest the Townshend Acts 1767; John Hancock (Links to an external site.)"

(Links to an external site.)"The Tea Act 1773" Link (Links to an external site.)

"John Adams Describes the Situation in Boston Five Days Prior to the Boston Tea Party 1773" (Links to an external site.)

"The Boston Tea Part 1773; George Robert Twelve Hewes" Link (Links to an external site.)"

1. From the documents, which of the British acts angered the colonist most and why? Cite specific passages from the document.
2. Did the colonists reaction to these acts change over time or the item(s) being taxed and why?

The concept of independence from England was not a notion favored by all colonists.

Many colonists were not sure of what the benefits or disadvantages were as no colonies had rebelled against a European colonial power. As you read the following documents consider the difference in the time frame of the speeches and what was the central point of each speaker regarding independence.

"Speech Against the Writs of Assistance 1761; James Otis" (Links to an external site.)
"The Rights of Colonists 1772; Samuel Adams" Link (Links to an external site.)
"Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death 1775; Patrick Henry" Link (Links to an external site.)

1. Which of the speakers presents the best argument for independence and why? Cite specific passages from the documents.

2. Compare and contrast each speaker definition independence and effectiveness in convincing undecided Americans to favor separation from Britain..


The events of 1786 led several of the key statesmen of the time and states to call for meeting known as the "Annapolis Convention" to discuss a revision of the Articles of Confederation or produce a new governing document. The meeting led to the Constitutional convention in may of 1787. As you read both documents, identify the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and how they were resolved by the Constitution.

"The Articles of Confederation" (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
"Constitution of the United States" (Links to an external site.)

1. What article within the Articles of Confederation was the most problematic and why? How was it resolved by the Constitution/

2. What article of the Constitution has been instrumental to the success and longevity of the government and why?

3. The Constitution has been referred to as conservative reaction to the democratic pressures of the Revolution. Is this an accurate assessment or not? Reference passages from the Constitution to support your position.

In 1796 George Washington delivered a "Farewell Address" to the nation which he said was "the disinterested warnings of a parting friend". As you read the document note the main themes of the address.

"Washington's Farewell Address 1796"

(Links to an external site.)

1. What are the main themes of Washington's Farewell Address and why did he believe they were "dangerous'?

2. Washington offered two pieces of advice regarding domestic affairs and foreign policy. Does Washington imply that problems with domestic issues or foreign policy had greater potential to destroy the nation? Is his advice in both areas relevant today, and if so how?

One of the issues the new government was faced was defining the status or role of Native Americans in American society. In 1780 Thomas Jefferson in a document advocated removal of all Native Americans west of the Mississippi River while others favored assimilation through education and conversion to Christianity. The Cherokee had become perhaps the most "civilized" of all Native American people by recasting their society in the mold of white America, yet were subjected to removal effective with the Treaty of New Echota 1835. Before you read the documents review the actual Indian Removal Act of 1830 which is the third link. As you read the documents note the rationale for removal espoused by Presidents Monroe and Jackson and the response by Elias Boudinot and Theodore Frelinghuysen.

"President Monroe Justifies the Removal Policy 1825; James Monroe"

(Links to an external site.)

"Jackson's Rationale for Removal 1829; Andrew Jackson"

(Links to an external site.)

"Jackson Defends the Removal Policy 1830; Andrew Jackson"

(Links to an external site.)

"The Removal Act of 1830"

(Links to an external site.)

"Responses to Removal 1826; Elias Boudinot"

(Links to an external site.)

"Speech Against Removal by U.S. Senator Theodore Frelinghuysen (N.J.) 1830"

(Links to an external site.)

1. What is the primary reason for removal suggested by Monroe and Jackson and how do they justify it? How does Boudinot, a Cherokee, counter their argument?

2. Analyze the arguments presented by Monroe and Jackson favoring removal and the speech of Frelinghuyensen. Which of these men presents the most convincing argument for their position and why?

3. If the ultimate goal of the Cherokee people was to preserve their cultural heritage, was removal (living away from white influence) or remaining on traditional land (Native Americans believed that their land and culture were inseparable) the best way to achieve this objective?

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History: What are the main themes of washingtons farewell address
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