
What are the main themes of the literature review


A. Explain the researcher's rationale for conducting this research project. Why is it important to conduct this study?

B. What are the research problem and objectives of the project?

C. What hypothesis(es) did the authors propose?

D. Did the researchers adequately deal with ethical considerations when conducting research with human participants (consent, participant's rights, confidentiality, risk, providing feedback to participants, etc.)? If not, what should the authors have done? Be specific.

E. Is this is qualitative or quantitative research project? Explain.

F. What type of research project is described in this article?

G. On what page(s) is the Literature Review found?

H. What are the main themes/topics of the Literature Review?

I. What method(s) did the researchers use to select participants for their study?

J. Did the researchers organize their participants into groups for the purpose of this study? If so, describe these groups and explain the differences groups.

K. What tools (measures) did the researchers use to collect the necessary data? Be specific.

L. How did the researchers approach the analysis of their data? Did they use only descriptive statistics or inferential statistics? Discuss.

M. What were the key findings of this study?

N. What were the limitations of this study? In other words, what issues did the researchers encounter, what factors could they not account for, etc.

O. Do the authors make any recommendations future research? If so, what are they?

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