What are the main ideas relating to the character and theme


Just like snowflakes that come so thick and fast at the onset of some northerly storm sent by Zeus himself in the cold bright sky - just so did the shining helmets, bronze shields, massive breastplates, and ash spears pour forth from the ships of the Greeks. The glittering of their armor lit up the sky, and the earth shone with the gleam of bronze, while the ground resounded with the thundering sound of their marching feet. And, in their middle, Achilles was ready for battle. His heart was filled with unbearable pain, he ground his teeth, his eyes blazed like fire, and in his fierce anger against Troy he wore the gifts that divine Hephaestus had worked so hard to make for him. First he put the fine leg-guards, with their silver ankle-pieces, around his legs. Next he put on the breastplate and set the silver-riveted bronze sword across his shoulders. Then he took hold of the great shield that-gleamed-like-the-distant-moon.

A. Context: briefly situate the gobbet in the work as a whole by noting what immediately precedes and follows it (you are not required to provide page numbers). You should identify any speaker(s) in the gobbet and briefly contextualize what they are talking about, or what the narrator is speaking about;

B. Meaning: what are the main ideas relating to the character(s) and theme(s)? Are there key words, symbolic language, imagery?

C. Significance: discuss how this particular gobbet speaks to our understanding of the work as a whole. In this section, it is often useful to refer to the identifying features of the passage (i.e.: the context) and to expand upon them. For example, does the gobbet contain important characters whose development is crucial to the development of the plot? Does it contain a discussion of an important moment in the plot? Does it somehow exemplify a key theme? Are there important features of epic poetry in the gobbet? If so, what is the purpose of those features?

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History: What are the main ideas relating to the character and theme
Reference No:- TGS03308921

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