
What are the limitations and disadvantages of using this

There are two choices for this question. Choose one question for your main post. Be sure to label which choice you selected in your main post. Please address all parts of the question in your main post.

Personality Theory

Looking at the various personality theories you read, which one seems to "fit" or make the most sense to you? Explain your reasoning?

Now consider the Big 5 Trait theory. Describe the individual's psychological and behavioral qualities, include any strong preferences using all 5 traits. Include describing what motivates the person as well. You can use yourself or describe someone you know well.

Now imagine using one of the other major personality theories to describe this same person (your own personality or the personality of someone you know).

What are the limitations and disadvantages of using this other theory to describe someone's personality compared to the Big 5? Are there advantages to using this theory to describe another's personality compared to the Big 5 theory?

Compared to when you began this course, how much do you think personality qualities are "biologically fixed" and how much was shaped by the environment and experiences?

Human Development

In 1995, Judith Rich Harris proposed that adolescents learn more from their peers than from their parents. She challenged one of the most deeply held beliefs in both our society and academic psychology, which is the assumption that "parents primarily socialize their children".

Read Harris's article (opens in new window): "Where is the child's environment? A group socialization theory of development"

You are advised to make some notes about pros and cons of the author's argument.

How convincing is Harris' position? Why is it convincing or why is it not convincing?

Regardless of how convincing Harris' argument is, what might be alternative explanations for her theory?

Cite facts and research from your readings about human development to back up your conclusions.

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Dissertation: What are the limitations and disadvantages of using this
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