
What are the leadership abilities


Individual Project Insight

Instructions and Requirements

1. Print a hard copy of the assigned insight

2. Complete the self-assessment questions in the manner directed, and follow the instructions given for ‘scoring' the assessment.

3. Reflect (this means take time to really think). Specifically reflect upon your ‘score', the interpretation, and what this tells you about yourself as it relates to leadership.

4. Write a short (at least one full page but not less than half a page) summary of your reflections, following the formatting requirements stated below.

a) Title - centered, 12 pt. Times New Roman Bold font, name of assignment (as listed on class schedule unless otherwise noted) followed by your name.

b) Score - left margin aligned heading ‘Insight Score' in 12 pt. Times New Roman font - identify and list the five (5) different ‘needs' scores and the average score

c) Content - left margin aligned, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double line spacing - a summary of your reflections regarding what this tells you about you and your leadership abilities.

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Other Management: What are the leadership abilities
Reference No:- TGS01982192

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