In evaluating Social Security, it has consequences beyond its individual goals. Sometimes effects are anticipated and intended; sometimes they are unintentional and actually undermine the Social Security itself, creating new problems. A multiplier effect can have consequences that will multiply its effects in the direction desired.
A latent consequence of Social Security undermines its very purpose and has the precise opposite effect of what was intended. Sometimes latent consequences are neither multipliers nor saboteurs of the Social Security 's intent but create new and different problems.It is important to recognize that Social Security s have both anticipated (expected and intended) and unanticipated consequences (unpredicted and unintended) consequences. Both anticipated and unanticipated consequences may prove to have positive and negative impacts. It is important that Social Security has "feedback" mechanisms, which provide information on their consequences.
When dysfunctional (negative) consequences are identified, policy Social Security planners then have the option of corrective action.
What are the latent consequences of Social Security?
Need APA citations and scholarly articles please.