Readings: "Infrastructure Planning" Performance Measurement Papers, ChapterOttawa Master Plan, Sections 1 to 3
Questions: (Insert Answers to all sub-questions below)
Assess the Infrastructure Planning Process of the City of Ottawa:
- What are the key parameters in the development of infrastructure plans?
- What is the role of growth?
- What is the level of integration between water, wastewater, and storm water infrastructure planning?
- Discuss and compare the infrastructure planning strategies of dense versus "sprawl" development.
- What are the components of Demand Planning?
- Discuss some examples for water, wastewater and stormwater. Discuss means to control peak and total demand.
More specifically
- What are the costs- benefits of "rural"/sprawl development versus re-use of more dense space?
- What are some the pros and cons of dense versus sprawl development from a stormwater system standpoint?
- How are rehabilitation and capacity expansion interdependent in an urban or rural development growth approach?
- What performance aspects need to be part of a monitoring program?