
what are the key issues to keep in mind when

What are the key issues to keep in mind when writing research reports?


Before communicating the results of project to the manager, researcher must keep several issues in mind for effective communication. First and foremost rule for writing the report is to empathize. Researcher should keep in mind that manager who is going to read and utilize the findings of research project might not be as technically knowledgeable with statistical techniques or at times with methodology. Moreover, manager will be more interested in knowing how results can be used for decision making instead of how they have been derived. Hence, jargons and technical terms must be kept at minimum. If jargons can't be avoided, then researcher must provide a brief explanation for the manager to understand it. Second rule researcher must keep in mind is related to structure of the report. Report must be logically structured and easy to follow. Manager must easily be able to grasp inherent linkages and connections within the report. Write up must be succinct and to the point. A clear and uniform pattern should be employed. One of the best ways to check whether structure of the report is sound or not, report must be critically looked at by some of the research team members. Moreover, researcher should make sure that scientific rigour and objectivity isn't lost when presenting research project findings. At times, Due to the heavy involvement of researcher in the overall research process, it's possible that there is a loss of objectivity. Hence, researcher must keep a tab on the aspects of objectivity of overall report. Many times managers don't like to see the results that oppose their judgemental beliefs however researcher should have the courage to present the findings without any slant to conform to expectations and beliefs of managers.

A professionally developed report is always well received as it makes important first impression in manager's mind. It is hence very vital for researcher to focus on the presentation of the report. The other vital aspect is the use of figures, tables and graphs. There is an old saying that, 'a picture is worth 1000 words' and it is quite true when reporting the results of a research project. Use of figures, tables and graphs can help in interpretations and greatly enhance the feel and look of the report which in turn can augment reader engagement. If report is prepared keeping in mind the above stated key issues, overall credibility of research report as well as of researcher can be greatly enhanced.


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