
What are the key hr functions - what are the benefits of


In preparation for this discussion, please read the required material and watch the assigned videos, then respond to the following:

In your initial post, answer the following questions from the textbook:

1. What are the key HR functions?

2. What are the benefits of moving HRISs to intranets or the cloud?

3. What concerns have deterred companies from implementing SaaS HR?

4. How can companies reduce the cost of recruiting qualified employees?

5. Describe IT support for HR planning and control.

(Turban et al., 2017).

In your response, complete the following:
1. Identify additional SaaS HR concerns not listed by your fellow peers.

Your response should be substantive (at least 150 words) and include reference citations and, use APA formatting.

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Business Management: What are the key hr functions - what are the benefits of
Reference No:- TGS02861746

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