What are the key features that distinguish between

TEXT: Psychopathology : Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding by James E. Maddux  and Barbara A. Winstead

Forum Assignment for the Week: 300 Words minimum

For this week's Forum, respond to the following: What are the key features that distinguish between Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

Among the Cluster B Personality Disorders, how does a clinician differentially diagnose among Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic Personality Disorders; in other words, what are the key distinguishing features among them?

Remember that all posts are graded for substance and thoughtful consideration of the forum topic. Your post must also end with a "Question to the Class" - something related to the topic that you found thought-provoking and about which you'd like to know more and have further dialog.

General Instructions Applicable to All Forums:

Forum post source citation is not required for forum posting in our class. This is because we are engaging in conversation that happens to be in writing form, not composing essays or research papers.

You will, however, need to paraphrase (restate in your own words) any words of published authors in parts of your posts that are based on their work.

Copying of published material, which is plagiarism, is prohibited and any instances of it, including forum posts, will result in a zero score without an option for re-submission to recoup lost points and a report sent to the Registrar's Office per University policy.

Discussion forum posts will be graded on verbal expression, critical thinking, making an effort to not just participate in but contribute to the dialog with initial and reply posts of a substantive nature commensurate with graduate level studies.

Posts must have correct grammatical construction, spelling, and punctuation with no texting or other casual style language.

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Dissertation: What are the key features that distinguish between
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