Question 1: What are the key elements that define a culture?
Question 2: How does a company overcome ethnocentricity?
Question 3: How do attitudes, values, customs and beliefs shape culture?
Question 4: What are "effective" strategies for a global company to adapt to a local culture?
Question 5: What elements of other cultures (in general) must a company be aware of to operate profitably and successfully?
Question 6: How do attitudes toward work, leisure, time, change, family, social mobility and religion shape a culture?
Question 7: What influence does corporate/ personal verbal and non-verbal communication have on cultural understanding?
Question 8: What impact does the physical environment have on culture?
Question 9: How are education and technology linked to culture?
Question 10: How does the mass media shape culture, public opinion, marketing and advertising?
Question 11: What positive and negative impact do politics and a countries legal system have on international companies?
Question 12: In your thinking why is culture awareness a major factor for international companies to consider in today's global marketplace?