
What are the key differences of usa vs japan


1. What are some cultural features of Japan?

2. What is collectivism?

3. What was the "occupation" and how did is shape Japan's system?

4. What is The Diet?

5. Which is more powerful and why? The house of representatives or the house of councilors?

6. Who is the prime minister and what is the person's role?

7. What is the role of the emperor?

8. What are phase 4 and 5 of Japan's police evolution?

9. What is the National Police Agency?

10. What are the prefectural police?

11. What is a koban?

12. What is a Chuzisho?

13. What is the historic relationship between the police and the public in Japan?

14. What are the biggest concerns regarding Japanese Police and their investigative tactics?

15. What is the Recommendations of the Justice System Reform Council for a Justice System to Support Japan in the 21st Century (a.k.a. RC21) and what is its significance?

16. What is the ministry of justice?

17. What are the 5 types of courts?

18. Why is the public procurator considered so powerful in the Japanese system?

19. Explain the two criticisms of criminal procedure (no court appointed lawyer until after indictment; trial process)

20. What is the Saiban-in?

21. What are the key differences of USA vs Japan?

22. What is suspension of criminal proceedings?

23. Is plea bargaining used in Japan?

24. What are the key critical issues in Japanese laws (speedy trials, crime victims, capital punishment)

25. What is the sentencing philosophy in Japan?

26. What are the noninstitutional sanctions available in Japan?

27. What are the key critical issues in corrections (human rights, age of prisons, retiring staff, foreign inmates, organized crime members)?

28. What is the new profile of the juvenile offender? And how has this impacted national policies?

29. What is the age of a juvenile in Japanese system?

30. What are the critical issues in juvenile justice (police discretion, possible due process violations, label pre-delinquent)?

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