
What are the key considerations in conceiving a child under


Jen is a 40-year-old single women who has for many years dreamed of having biological children of her own. To her knowledge, there are no medical obstacles preventing her from conceiving and carrying a baby to term. Her only impediment is that she does not have a spouse/partner with whom to participant in the process. Moreover, she has no intentions of getting married in the foreseeable future. She decides to meet with a local reproductive endocrinologist (RE) to pursue donor insemination. After four attempts, Jen is successful in becoming pregnant and soon learns that she will be giving birth to a boy.

1. What are the key considerations in conceiving a child under these circumstances?
2. What are the key considerations in parenting a child conceived in this manner?
3. What does the scholarly literature have to say about single parenting under these circumstances?
4. What does the scholarly literature have to say about parenting children conceived via ART?

LENGTH: 2-3 pages typed and double-spaced

The following items will be assessed in particular:

1. PRECISION: Each of the questions of the assignment is specifically addressed in the paper.

2. CLARITY: The paper reads clearly (i.e., it is not confusing) and is well-structured.

3. BREADTH: The paper presents appropriate breadth covering the questions of the assignment.

4. DEPTH: The paper presents points that lead to a deeper understanding of the matters and/or issues being discussed and integrates several points into coherent conclusions.

5. CRITICAL THINKING: You set aside your own personal biases and instead approach the subject matter using available scholarly evidence. You consider the strengths and weaknesses of competing arguments/perspectives on this topic. Having read these scholarly sources, you make a judgement as to the merit of the arguments presented therein.

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Dissertation: What are the key considerations in conceiving a child under
Reference No:- TGS02426458

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