Question: Argosy Gaming
Argosy Gaming Company is the owner and operator of six riverboat gambling casinos and hotels in the United States. Argosy has developed a centralized enterprise data warehouse to capture the data generated at each property. As part of this effort, Argosy selected an extract-transform-load (ETL) tool to gather and integrate the data from six different operational databases to create its data warehouse. The plan is to use the data to help Argosy management make quicker, well-informed decisions based on patrons' behaviors, purchases, and preferences. Argosy hopes to pack more entertainment value into each patron's visit by better understanding their gambling preferences and favorite services. The data will also be used to develop targeted direct mail campaigns, customize offers for specific customer segments, and adapt programs for individual casinos.
Review Questions
1. What are the key components that Argosy must put into place to create an environment for a successful BI and analytics program?
2. What complications can arise from gathering data from six different operational databases covering six riverboat gambling casinos and hotels?
Critical Thinking Questions
1. The Argosy BI and analytics program is aimed at boosting revenue not at reducing costs. Why do you think this is so?
2. What specific actions must Argosy take to have a successful program that will boost revenue and offset some of the increases in costs?