What are the key components of reflective writing

Assignment task: Reflective writing encourages individuals to explore their personal experiences, thoughts, and emotions, leading to a deeper self-understanding and broader perspective.

1. What are the key components of reflective writing, and how do they contribute to its effectiveness?

2. Choose any topic of your interest and write a reflective essay, addressing the following components:

a. Self-awareness

b. Critical thinking

c. Organization

d. Supporting evidence

e. Reflection

Writing tips:

  • Create a list of potential topics and select one that holds personal significance.
  • Find a quiet environment free from distractions to write.
  • Begin by freely writing about the chosen topic, regardless of grammar or spelling.
  • Revise your draft, focusing on clarity, organization, and supporting evidence.

Use APA citations and references if referencing readings or external source.

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