
What are the key components of a marketing exchange


Instructions: For this assignment, complete all the questions (all parts). Base replies on assigned materials (as described in your syllabus), not on other materials. Points will be deducted for responding in bullets, unclear/poor writing, syntax/editorial (spelling, punctuation), and proofing errors. Please use single line spacing or 1.5 spacing (not double spacing), size no bigger than 12, black font, and leave in original questions.

A. Social Marketing Planning Worksheet

1. Complete STEP 3,SELECT TARGET AUDIENCES parts a, b, c (required) based on Kotler and Lee, 2016, Refer for a detailed description of this process. The below corresponds to Step 3 in Appendix A from Kotler and Lee, 2016, p. 507. Your replies to the parts below should demonstrate an understanding of readings assigned, not just Kotler and Lee,2016 but also other assigned readings. Select a public health issue of interest of interest to you for this step.

Please note, for Step 3, you must select your own audience. You should use what you learned from your assigned readings in Kotler and Lee,2008; and other assigned materials (including optional materials such as CDC materials, Bertrand and Rimon's, A Field Guide to Designing a Health Communication Strategy, among others). You may not use the same examples provided in any of your readings or optional materials though the overall public health problem can be one described in your book.

a. Briefly describe your public health (example, as in preventing drinking and driving in teens) to provide the context.

b. Describe the primary target audiences for your program/campaign in terms of size, problem incidence and severity, and relevant variables, including demographics, psychographics, geographics, behaviors, and/or stages of change.

c. If you have additional important target audiences that you will need to influence as well, describe them here. Please be sure to draw from your readings assigned in week 6 (e.g.,: Bertrand and Rimon (pdf) and any optional readings.)

2. Regarding how target markets are selected, three common targeting segmentation approaches are described of Kotler and Lee, 2016. Describe and provide an example for each of the three approaches for a social marketing effort related to a public health issue (e.g., tobacco cessation or any other public health topic of your choosing). This is an applied question-you need to provide an example (not just define) for each of the three and describe/apply these thoroughly.

3. Reply to 4 of the 5 below (from a-f) in short answer form. Your replies should be based onResnick and Siegel, 2013, Reply to each one separately.

a. What are the key components of a marketing exchange?

b. How does self-interest impact the marketing process?

c. Why is it important for marketers to segment their audience?

d. What is the purpose of the communication strategy?

e. Why is partnering with organizations that share goals important?

4. Based on Resnick and Siegel, 2013: Select one of these terms in parentheses (exchange, self-interest, behavior change, competition, audience orientation and segmentation, product, price, place, promotion, and building relationships) and, for that one term, complete the 4 parts below (reply to each one separately):

a. define the term

b. explain its importance to marketing

c. provide an example of its use in marketing a commercial product

d. provide an example of its use as a public health product.

5. What did you learn from the CDC segmentation information you selected (either the one on folic acid, hepatitis, or diabetes in Hispanics/Latinos)? Please reply in paragraph form.

6. Reply to the below 3 questions regarding the Marketing Highlight, " Increasing Alternative Transportation in Portland, Oregon" from Kotler and Lee, 2016, (reply to each one separately)

a. What was the primary segmentation variable used to identify the target audience?

b. What other variable determined the strategies employed?

c. What segmentation variable did the authors of the case use to label the three groups: The Safe Responsibles, the Stoic Individualists, and the Thrill-Seeking Socializers?

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Marketing Management: What are the key components of a marketing exchange
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