
What are the justifications for implementing

Coming up with a cloud based software will not only standardize the operations of goodwill, but it will also ensure that the customers can easily access the stores through proper branding.

1. Will the cloud based software approach work?

This approach will work because proper research will be carried out by a selected team. They will check on the various operations of different goodwill stores and identify a common strategy with them. Moreover, the e-learning will be effective in training the personnel on the same operations so that the services can be standardized in all the stores.

2. What are the justifications for implementing such a strategy to the shareholders?

With such a system, it will be easy to brand the store. This will ensure that the services provided are the same in spite of the location of the store. This is actually very important because the customers will be comfortable to visit any store in different locations. It will increase in total sales of the store significantly.

3. How will the customers perceive this idea?

The changing of operations in some of the stores could be a new thing for the customer, but this will be done to ensure that their specific needs are suited. This therefore means that the only challenge for the customers would be to adapt to the new change, but it is expected that they will embrace it positively.

4. With the costs incurred were relevant in relation to the expected revenue?

Standardization of operations could be quite expensive and especially because of the various training programs entailed, but it expected to increase the total revenues significantly. This is because the operations will be made better and errors corrected to suit the needs of the customers. This thus will result to larger volumes of customers and more sales.

I'm a little confused here, but that's likely because I work just as much in the tech world as I do the teaching world. When you mention cloud software, do you mean software that can be accessed through the cloud? In which case, you may want to be a bit more specific in the type of software for clarity. For example, do you think the software you'd need would be "point of sale" software that could be accessed through the cloud?

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English: What are the justifications for implementing
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