
What are the issues that may arise while using the if

Java Discussion 1-250-words

The three basic types of loops are the FOR loop, the WHILE loop, and the DO...WHILE loop. Based on what you have learned about these loops in Java programming respond to the following:

- What are the basic similarities and distinctions among the three types of loops?
- In what situations would one type of loop be preferred over the others? Justify your answer.
- There are many situations where infinite loops may occur. Discuss those situations and provide best practices for each of the loop types that help avoid writing infinite loops.

Java Discussion 2-250 words

Java provides equality, relational, and logical operators to evaluate and test whether an expression is true or false. It also provides selection statements to transfer control to a different part of the program depending on the result of that test:

- What are the issues that may arise while using the IF statement?
- In what circumstances would IF ... ELSE be a preferred statement over SWITCH and vice versa? Please use real-world examples to support your arguments.
- Use specific, real-world examples to describe the uses of the logical AND operator (&&), the logical OR operator (||), the logical NOT operator (!) and the combination of those operators in making decisions.

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JAVA Programming: What are the issues that may arise while using the if
Reference No:- TGS02361283

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