
What are the internal strengths of the destination what

SWOT Analysis: The next step in your marketing plan is the development of a SWOT analysis, an examination of your competition environment, and a cataloging of the primary product-service mix of your destination. Refer back to pages 171-172 of the textbook. As you read through the questions, you will want to replace the terms "operation" and "organization" with "destination".

B. SWOT Analysis

1. Strengths.......What are the internal strengths of the destination? What does the destination do well? Etc.

The research you did in Unit II and Unit III should assist you. Another interesting source for information would be to take a look at sites which have reviews such as, other site you use or find. There seems to be a limitless supply of review sites. These reviews will provide an interesting view of the destination along with its hotels, restaurants and attractions. Write at least 200-300 words, and briefly address each step in this analysis and answer the appropriate questions.

Reid, R. D., & Bojanic, D. C. (2010). Hospitality marketing management (5th ed., Pg. 170-173, 177-178). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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