Intelligence Gathering
After terrorists attacked the United States on 9/11, the US government implemented the USA Patriot Act, designed to gather intelligence and prevent future terror attacks on the United States. The USA Patriot Act reduced restrictions on law enforcement agencies' ability to monitor telephone conversations, e-mail communications, and medical, financial, and other records.
Additionally, the act eased restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering within the United States; expanded the authority of the secretary of the Treasury to regulate financial transactions, particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities; and broadened the discretion of law enforcement and immigration authorities in detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts.
However, critics of the USA Patriot Act opine that it is an infringement on civil liberties and should be abolished. Opponents of the law criticize the authorization of indefinite detention of immigrants and search of a home or business without the owner's or the occupant's permission or knowledge.
The USA Patriot Act also expanded the use of National Security Letters, which allows the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to tap telephone calls, e-mail, and financial records without a court order, and expanded access to business records, including library and financial records. Since its passage, several legal issues have been brought against the act, and federal courts have ruled that a number of provisions in the USA Patriot Act are unconstitutional.
After watching all five segments of Spying on the Home Front, discuss below:
What are the intelligence-gathering tools being used in the United States to fight terrorism?
Is there adequate intelligence sharing between different law enforcement agencies?
Do you think the USA Patriot Act is an effective tool for fighting terrorism, or do you think it infringes on individual civil liberties?
How have intelligence-sharing systems changed since 9/11?