
What are the important features of testing in postman

Assignment Problem: Create a Word file to save answers to all theoretical questions, and include screen shots where you have written any program/script.

Export your projects from Eclipse and save them along with the word file in a "Zip File".


Now using above tools and infrastructure:

1) With all the above in your hand, create one app-module for (Amazon.com) and add more test cases besides given below.

Test cases:

  • Log In.
  • Browse the products and use the shopping cart to check out.
  • Search Items and verify items.
  • Verify autosuggestion.
  • Navigate to the products.
  • Sign Out.

2) Create another app-module for (Facebook.com), then import into the Framework. Please add as many test cases as possible besides given below.

Test cases:

  • Log In to Facebook.
  • Search a name.

2) Create another app-module for the (Cigna.com) and add test cases as you can think of besides given below.

Test Cases:

  • Log In.
  • Click on navigation Tabs.
  • Navigate through different level of Health coverage.
  • Search for Medical tools.
  • Checkout the Cigna global products.
  • Sign Out.

3) Create another app-module (Citibank.com), and add test cases as you can think of besides given below.

Test Cases:

? Log In.

? Click on navigation Tabs for different kind of banking.

? Read all available features offering for the customers.

? Browser through all the products it is offering and validates the links.

? Search Items.

? Sign Out.

4) What is the difference between "implicit and Explicit Wait" Create a program and invoke Chrome Browser. Go to the page "newtours.demoaut" domain

And enter implicit wait time and then create a second program to enter Explicit wait time. While entering "User Name" as "mercury" and "Password " also as "mercury". And then click on the Sign-in button.

5) Create a program where you find total number of links on a page and print those links as well. Invoke Chrome browser this time and enter URL as "newtours.demoaut" website

6) Enter URL "seleniumhq.github.io/selenium/docs/api/java/index.html"in Chrome and test the frames. I-e package, class, tree, deprecated.

7) In Chrome Browser enter URL "demo.automationtesting.in/Frames.html" Switch from outer frame to inner frame and enter your name in the edit box

8) Enter URL "testautomationpractice.blogspot.com"and in the search button enter your name and click search button. Print out the total number of search results. Also click on every search result and open in a new window and in the end close them all with one command.

9) Find out active and inactive employees. Enter URL opensource-demo.orangehrmlive.com in Chrome and MAXIMIZE windows. Enter Admin as user name and "admin123" as password. Click on Admin on the next page and then click on User Management then Users. After that find out how many employees are there in the table. Also how many active and inactive employees are there.

10) Double click Action. Enter URL "api.jquery.com/dblclick/#dblclick-handler" in Chrome Driver and find Xpath for double click the block at the bottom of the page. Double Click it at least 4 times to change colors.

11) Create a testcase where you get the content of an entire table and on every single page. Using Chrome driver enter URL as seleniumeasy.com/test/table-pagination-demo.html

5- Drag and Drop action:

Write a test case for drag and drop actions using chrome driver. Enter URL " https://dhtmlgoodies.com/scripts/drag-drop-custom/demo-drag-drop-3.html". Match the capitals to their countries.

12) Write down a test case to verify the text popped on an edit box. Use if/else statement to verify the popped message. Enter jqueryui.com/tooltip/ using chrome browser

13) Write a test case to check if the slider functionality is working or not. Enter URL jqueryui.com/slider/


1- What are four important features of SOAPUI?

2- What languages does SOAPUI Support?

3- Create a new SOAP Project. Enter following website inside the initial WSDL


  • Create a Test Suite.
  • Run test inside the TestCase for both Numbers to dollars and numbers to words
  • Add an assertion by pasting the value in "Contains Assertion"
  • Record the Response time.
  • Manually fail one assertion
  • Execute testcases in sequence and parallel
  • Generate Documentation (report)

Take a few screen shots of number conversion APIs

4- Why do we use assertions?

5- Is SOAPUI used for front End Testing or Back End Testing? Explain your answer.


6- Using SOAPUI Create SOAP Project with the following URL dataaccess.com/webservicesserver/TextCasing.wso?WSDL

Repeat all the steps from Question 3 except create two different types of TestCases 1- one testcase for each type of operation and single


1- What are the important features of testing in Postman?

2- As tester will we be using real time production data or testing on mock data?

Write down status code, failure response or success response in the following cases.

3- Create a collection in Postman called "APICollectionBootCamp" and the create requests and add them to the above collection

4- Create a GET request with URL reqres.in/api/users?page=2 . Create two new GET requests with different values as 3 and 5 and save these GET Requests to APICollectionBootCamp


1 reqres.in

GET reqres.in/api/users?page=2

NA Returns list of users in a page NA 200

2 eqres.in

GET reqres.in/api/users/2

NA Returns single user NA 200

3 reqres.in

POST reqres.in/api/users


"name": "morpheus",

"job": "leader"

} {

"name": "morpheus",

"job": "leader",

"id": "256",

"createdAt": "2018-07-07T05:43:53.310Z"

} NA 201

4 reqres.in

POST https://reqres.in/api/login


"email": "peter@klaven",

"password": "cityslicka"

} {

"token": "QpwL5tke4Pnpja7X"

} NA 200

5 reqres.in

POST https://reqres.in/api/login


"email": "peter@klaven"

} NA {

"error": "Missing password"

} 400

6 dummy.restapiexample.com/

GET dummy.restapiexample.com/api/v1/employees

NA [{"id":"1","employee_name":"","employee_salary":"0","employee_age":"0","profile_image":""},{"id":"2","employee_name":"","employee_salary":"0","employee_age":"0","profile_image":""}] 200 OK

7 dummy.restapiexample.com/

GET dummy.restapiexample.com/api/v1/employee/700

na {"id":"700","employee_name":"%26lt%3bSCRIPT%20a%3d%60%26gt%3b%60%20SRC%3d%5c%22http%26#58%3b%2f%2fha%26#46%3bckers%26#46%3borg%2fxss%26#46%3bjs%5c%22%26gt%3b%26lt%3b%2fSCRIPT%26gt%3b","employee_salary":"123","employee_age":"33","profile_image":""} 200

8 dummy.restapiexample.com/

POST dummy.restapiexample.com/api/v1/create

{"name":"test","salary":"123","age":"23"} {"name":"test","salary":"123","age":"23","id":"719"} 200

9 dummy.restapiexample.com/

PUT dummy.restapiexample.com/api/v1/update/21

{"name":"test1","salary":"1123","age":"23"} {"name":"test1","salary":"1123","age":"23"} 200

10 dummy.restapiexample.com/

DELETE dummy.restapiexample.com/api/v1/delete/700

{"success":{"text":"successfully! deleted Records"}} 200

5- Create a POST request and save it to a new folder inside the above collection. Use following data

URL "reqres.in/api/login"

Body "{

"email": "peter@klaven",

"password": "cityslicka"


Status code 200

6- Extra Points: Use following table and create all the requests in the table with the data given.



1. Using Selenium work on the following demo website and create a single end to end comprehensive Testcase that includes testing the following

  • Radio Button
  • Select class
  • CheckBox
  • Switch Window
  • Switch Tab
  • Switch to Alert Box


Create a test script for registering a new account on https://homedepot.com

Create a test script for registering a new account on https://Facebook.com

Create a test script for registering a new account on https://Gmail.com

Go to expedia.com and create a script for following steps:

i. Click on flights tab

ii. Fill the form to search flight for roundtrip and click on search button

iii. Select the flights

iv. Click on "No thanks" for pop-up

v. Click on continue booking button

vi. Fill the passenger's information

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Computer Engineering: What are the important features of testing in postman
Reference No:- TGS03052765

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