
What are the implications of the replacement theory

Assignment Task: Reply to these two discussion

1- What are the implications of the replacement theory's growing popularity? The Implications of the replacement theory, trying to replace "white America" through acts or attacks, riots, immigration and much more. The newest form would be the "black lives matter movement" this movement is to show the world that no only white lives matter but blacks lives do too. this is going viral on social media and is even a hashtag. there has been many protests all over the US and have so much support. In the video "The Rise of Black Lives Matter", the women discussed that "there has been many recordings of police brutality on black lives and it has to end". they even brought up the incident of George Flode and that was the last time black lives would be at risk by police. They also said that "the man who killed George got away with murder and that's not okay." The video also let other members of the black community share about there life in juvenal detention centers and how they were abused by staff because of there race and how they want to change that behavior in the prison system.

2- I think it implies that this is a narrative being pushed by white supremacists/hate groups. "Hate groups are 'filled with evil conspiracies and righteous crusades'" (Desmond & Emirbayer, 2020). This is a fear based response constructed from an irrational theory. In my opinion, it validates the belief that some whites believe that they are above other races. They want to continue racially dominating the systems and organizations of our society " (Desmond & Emirbayer, 2020). Hate groups thrive off the erroneous idea that race relations are a kind of zero-sum game, where nonwhite advancement always results in white loss." The more diverse and accepting our country becomes, the more threatened they feel. Whites have been able to advance for centuries but the moment nonwhite groups are able to further themselves, they are outraged. This is a continued attempt to divide us and to keep the idea going that nonwhites are the problem. We are the enemy and they need to keep us down because us having a better life means that we'll become superior and more dominant. Somehow, they believe we'll pass them up and eventually replace them

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