
What are the implications of the globe study of leadership

Module Strategic International Business Management Level 7
Title of Assignment HRM/Organisational Behaviour (March 2016) - Individual Assignment 2
Programmes undertaking the assignment
Hand-in date To be submitted via OnlineCampus
Weighting within the module 50%
Word limit 3000 words (+ / - 10%)

Details of  theAssignment

What are the implications of the GLOBE study of leadership for MNE's operating in 12 different countries across the globe (including Western and Northern Europe, Northern America, SE Asia and Latin America) and a sector where leadership effectiveness is believed to be key to achieving high performance?

Learning Outcomes to be assessed

This assessment assesses how well you can do the following (as outlined in the module specification):

  • Understand and critically evaluate theories ofleadership, their interaction with theories of motivation and change management, and their effective implementation in an international context.
  • Understand and critically evaluate theories of managing in a cross-cultural context.
  • Promote a professional and ethical approach to organisations.

Key Skills to be practised / assessed

This assessment assesses how well you can do the following (as outlined in the module specification):

  • Enhance and apply planning, organising, decision-making and time management skills appropriate for use in an organisational context.
  • Experiment and develop personal initiative and responsibility in undertaking complex investigations in the solving of organisational problems and issues.
  • Critically analyse and apply key ideas and concepts via comprehensive research relevant both to the subject area and to professional practice in the field.
  • Use terminology associated with the subject area accurately and in a way which demonstrates sophisticated knowledge and understanding.
  • Develop and enhanceboth individually and collaborativelyeffective written and oral communication skillsfor both specialist and non-specialist audiences.

Assessment criteria

Your assessment will be assessed according to these criteria which are reflected in the Assessment Feedback Sheet:

  • Degree of knowledge and understanding of the module subject
  • Ability to develop an argument which is clearly justified and relevant to the particular circumstances of the situation under consideration
  • Ability to develop an argument which is well structured
  • Breadth and depth of reading from the relevant academic literature
  • Ability to critically synthesise and apply relevant theories and concepts from a range of sources
  • Ability to apply the Harvard referencing system in the correct manner
  • Ability to collect and analyse relevant data
  • Ability to identify and evaluate a range of strategic optionsrelevant to the particular circumstances of the situation under consideration
  • Degree of originality in generating relevant and justified solutions to the business problemunder consideration
  • Professionalism of presentation
  • Ability to manage time to submit by the deadline
  • Academic good conduct

Academic good conduct

Your assessment must comply with the University of Salford policies on academic honesty which are summarised here:


On this assignment all your work must be your own. Presenting as one's own the words, ideas, or expression of another in any form is cheating (plagiarism). If you are unsure what constitutes plagiarism, detailed guidelines on how to avoid it can be found at https://www.ils.salford.ac.uk/help/userguides/general/plagiarism/index.htm.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated and ignorance will not be excused. Students found plagiarising may be excluded from the University.

MODULE: Strategic International Business Management




(where appropriate)[1]

Grade Descriptors for Postgraduate Assessment






Demonstrates an excellent understanding of a complex body of knowledge and the ability to use such knowledge in an innovative and creative manner to develop new insights and relate these to the particular circumstances of the situation under consideration. Has a very good grasp of recent research findings and demonstrates a maturity in critically evaluating concepts and abstract principles, and originality in addressing business problems



Demonstrates a very good understanding of a complex body of knowledge and the ability to analyse and synthesise knowledge, reflect on the application of theory in practice and to use these skills to develop an argument which is well structured, clearly justified and relevant to the particular circumstances of the situation under consideration. Has a good grasp of recent research findings and demonstrates considerable ability and maturity in critically evaluating concepts and abstract principles, and a developing originality in addressing business problems



Demonstrates an understanding of a complex body of knowledge and the ability to synthesise knowledge from a range of appropriate sources. Is able to apply knowledge to specific scenarios in an appropriate manner and can develop an argument which is clearly justified and relevant to the task in hand. Has a grasp of recent research findings and demonstrates a developing maturity in critically evaluating concepts and abstract principles, and limited originality in addressing business problems.



Displays understanding of the basics with evidence of some appropriate reading. May lack the ability to develop a well structured argument which is sufficiently focused on the task in hand. Limited knowledge of recent research findings with limited ability to critically evaluate concepts and abstract principles and little or no originality in addressing business problems.



Demonstrates little understanding of the basics and little evidence of wider reading. Poor ability to apply knowledge or focus on the task in hand. Little or no awareness of recent research findings, limited ability to critically evaluate concepts and abstract principles, and no originality in addressing business problems.

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Management Theories: What are the implications of the globe study of leadership
Reference No:- TGS01411890

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