
What are the implications of moving to price retail for ebay


1. What lessons does the eBay experience offer for the management of other ebusinesses?

2. What are the implications of moving to fixed-price retail for eBay?
Is fixed-price retailing compatible with eBay's traditional auctioning approach? Why or why not?

3. Customer or market segmentation can be a powerful strategy for a business. Decision Analyst, a consulting company offering marketing research services defines it as:

the concentration of marketing effort to dominate a market niche. Market segmentation is the process of identifying and targeting groups of individuals who are similar to one another. Markets can be segmented in many different ways: by product or service needs, by sensitivity to price, by geographic area, by demographic segment, or by psychographics and lifestyles. Successful segmentation depends on understanding what consumers need, how groups of consumers differ from one another, and how consumers decide among products." Decision Analyst, https://www.decisionanalyst.com/history.dai accessed Mar. 22, 2013

Name 3 different segments for eBay and explain why each is a unique segment. 6 marks (2 marks for each segment named and your reason)

4. The case study states "By becoming too large, eBay could be trying to be too many thing to too many people." Are they? Why?

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Marketing Management: What are the implications of moving to price retail for ebay
Reference No:- TGS01791246

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