
What are the implications for your current job


In this exercise, you will assess two different aspects of personality. The first is a Myers-Briggs type test (the Jung Typology Test), which assesses you on four different continua. The second is based on the Big 5 traits of the Five-Factor Model of personality. First, assess your personality type as defined by the Myers-Briggs instrument, and examine the leadership implications of what you have learned. If you have not previously taken a Myers-Briggs inventory, one is available online at no cost: Jung Typology Test.

Second, assess your personality type as defined by the Five Factor Model. The IPIP Assessment (DOCX) Download IPIP Assessment (DOCX) provides instructions and an explanation of the instrument.

After you have taken both assessments, use the following questions to guide your discussion:

a) What traits were you the highest on? Lowest on? What are the implications for your current job? Career goals? Leadership potential?

b) Do you think the scores reflect who you are? Are they accurate? If not, why not?

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Business Management: What are the implications for your current job
Reference No:- TGS03266116

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